BloodPAC Releases its First Public Accessible Dataset

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We are thrilled to announce that the Blood Profiling Atlas in Cancer Consortium (BloodPAC) has released an initial public accessible dataset. This public pre-analytical minimal technical data elements (MTDEs) dataset summarizes the initial submission of BloodPAC members' projects and aims to facilitate cross analysis and improve the usability of the BloodPAC commons for liquid biopsy research.

The BloodPAC Data Commons is operated in partnership with the Center for Data Intensive Science (CDIS) at the University of Chicago. “To truly accelerate the development of liquid biopsy for patient benefit, we can’t afford to duplicate efforts. Part of the power of the BloodPAC Data Commons is that it is based on the data sharing principles of the Open Commons Consortium (OCC) and shares the same APIs as the NCI Genomic Data Commons (GDC), so that applications and tools can easily analyze data from both commons,” said Dr. Robert Grossman, founder and director of OCC . “That allows the research community to build on and amplify the power of accumulated data.”

The MTDE dataset can be accessed here, it can be downloaded as a zip file containing csv files that representing each MTDE count. There is also a data browser accompanying where one can review tables and visualizations of each data field.

Visit the BloodPAC page to learn more. Find the full press release here.

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