Gen3 data submission can be complex and will vary from project to project. The specifics will depend on the data model, data type, use of graph-model and/or metadata service, centrally managed vs user driven, and other project-specific requirements. At this event a range of Gen3 operators showcased on how their projects approach the topic of data submission and how they have managed this process. The event included the following presentations and speakers:
Data Modelling in Gen3 - Joshua Harris, Research Data Manager, Australian BioCommons
Data submission into the Aotearoa Genomic Data Repository - Nathalie Giraudon, New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI)
COVID-19 Data: 7 Million Records in PRC - Plamen Martinov, Mikisha Patel, Urvi Sheth Open Commons Consortium
MIDRC: Ingesting Medical Images from Multiple Contributors - Chris Meyer, Center for Translational Data Science, University of Chicago
g3t: Gen3 Tracker – User Driven Submissions - Liam Beckman, Oregon Health and Science University
The recorded session video is available, providing valuable insights and key takeaways from the event.